Последние поступления
Хороший рост - плохой рост. Масштабируйте возможности, а не проблемы, Роберт Саттон, Хагги Рэо
Раздел: Общий менеджмент
Страниц: 352
Год издания: 2015
Язык: Русский
О чем эта книга Книга расскажет, как расширить бизнес, сохранив свои установки и принципы. Рост бизнеса - серьезный вызов для любого руководителя и предпринимателя. Способность стабильно расширяться, ...
The Persistence of Seasonality
Раздел: Общий менеджмент
Язык: Русский
Investors and academics have long been intrigued by seasonality effects on stock returns. In this research it was tested whether any significant monthly returns persist over time. The results obtai ...
Critical Study of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Development
Раздел: Общая экономика
Язык: Русский
The book in details is about “Critical Study of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Development in selected Asian Developing countries with special reference to Telecom Sector (since 1991-2010)” Th ...
Rural Development in India
Раздел: Зарубежная экономика
Язык: Русский
Rural development and provision of batter qualities of life to the rural people have been a major objective of planners in India throughout the entire planning period. In the 1990’s the primary focus ...
Refugee problem and International morality
Язык: Русский
The refugee problem (issue) is a multifaceted and complex as it is immense. It is not only a regional but also a global problem. And as well as, we should realized, refugee do not constitute a tempora ...