Rural Development in India

Rural Development in India
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Язык: Русский
Rural development and provision of batter qualities of life to the rural people have been a major objective of planners in India throughout the entire planning period. In the 1990’s the primary focus was given to the various programmes and strategies adopted in the successive plans to provide the basic necessities to the rural poor. After the elapse of four five year plans in the country, it was realized that the various development programmes undertaken in the economy had not improved the socio-economic conditions of large majority of the rural people. Thus, the realities of the rural situation dictated the adoption of different strategies at different periods. In this book an attempt has been made to analyze the impact of Rural Development Programmes on income and employment generation of the rural people. We have analyzed different aspects of our study as outlined in our objectives though statistical techniques and hope these finding and suggestions made by us would enlighten the policy makers, researchers, academicians and scholars in the field of rural development of India.


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