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Methods of teaching evolutionary concepts in Kenyan high schools

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The subject of appropriateness of the methods of teaching evolutionary concepts in Kenyan high schools and the ability of the current biology teachers to enable their students to achieve high ...

Wastage in primary education in Kenya

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Universal primary education has been pursued as ameans of providing basic education for all. It’s achievement has been constrained by a high drop out rate, repetition, and absenteeism which in genera ...

Foreign language in technical college

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Язык: Русский
In the monograph the bases of the languages functional interaction and the language person formation are considered. Some special attention is given to the language contacts and the foreign languages ...

Out of school, out of sight

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UK urban state schools have recently experienced increased pressure to improve their performance levels. This has been manifested through various campaigns to change the public perception of these ...

Римское частное право. Учебное пособие, Е. В. Кожевина

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Страниц: 152
Год издания: 2015
Язык: Русский
В лаконичной и доступной форме излагается содержание всех институтов частного права Древнего Рима - право лиц, вещное, обязательственное и наследственное право. Студентам юридических вузов и факультет ...