Methods of teaching evolutionary concepts in Kenyan high schools

Methods of teaching evolutionary concepts in Kenyan high schools
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Язык: Русский
The subject of appropriateness of the methods of teaching evolutionary concepts in Kenyan high schools and the ability of the current biology teachers to enable their students to achieve high performance in national examinations is increasingly capturing the attention of teachers , school managers ,Researchers and policy makers in Kenya . The growing interest stems and reflects the increased National concern over the low level of students’ performance in biology and more specifically in questions about evolution partially caused by inappropriate or poor teaching methods. The topic which is considered as one of the core foundations of biological studies is a challenge to most teachers because teaching it tends to attract complex socio- political responses from the learners whose religious and cultural backgrounds vary and have different impacts on their perceptions of critical evolutionary concepts like origin of life and theories that seem to lack scientific integrity upon which the teaching and learning of scientific concepts is expected to be based.


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