Practising Social Work Law

Practising Social Work Law
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Язык: Русский
Since the third edition of Practising Social Work Law published in 2010, new legislation – such as the Care Act 2014, the Equality Act 2010, and the Children and Families Act 2014 – has had a significant impact on the social work profession. Practitioners must not only know the law; they must also have a critical appreciation of its implications for human rights, civil liberties and social justice. They must exercise their powers and duties in ways underpinned by professional ethics, in a context of severe resource constraint and under constant public and political scrutiny. Now going into its fourth edition, Practising Social Work Law seeks to build social workers' confidence in legal interpretation and implementation. It focuses on promoting practitioners' knowledge and skills in recognising, locating and articulating legal issues, and using the law to inform practice standards and deliver positive outcomes for service users. This timely, fully revised new edition of this well-respected text combines up-to-date statute, case law and guidance with extended practice examples and questions for reflection, making it an invaluable resource for students, practitioners and educators alike.


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