Cytoarchitecture and neuronal types in forebrain of strawberry finch

Cytoarchitecture and neuronal types in forebrain of strawberry finch
Раздел: Зоология
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Язык: Русский
The present book work tried to classify various types of neurons in the telencephalon of strawberry finch, Estrilda amandava. This study shows the various types of neurons, their morphological characteristics (Soma diameter, spine density, dendritic field, axonal length) and projections in the several fields of forebrain and deduced homology of various regions with reptilian and mammalian cerebral cortex. The findings show that the medial arm of the V-shaped layer of hippocampus corresponds to Ammon’s horn and the parahippocampus to the subiculum of mammals. The hippocampal complex of birds is comparable to the reptilian dorsomedial cortex. The corticoid complex of birds is homologous with reptilian lateral cortex and mammalian entorhinal cortex. The visual wulst of birds is homologous with reptilian dorsal cortex and mammalian visual cortex. The present study of neuronal classes of several regions has given important base for the further studies as Estrilda amandava seems to be a suitable avian model for studying the experimental tracing, immunocytochemistry, electrophysiology, lesion and regeneration experiments to identify the path & complexity of neuronal regeneration.


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