God Beyond Metaphysics

God Beyond Metaphysics
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In the “History of the Concept of Time” Heidegger says that “philosophical research is and remains atheism.” But even before this, he said in his study of Aristotle that only when philosophy assumes an atheistic stance, “only then it is honest before God." Heidegger calls for a reinterpretation of the Problem of Being from the vantage point that has defined his 1927 work "Being and Time". But the investigation of Being did not stop in "Being and Time". The great achievement of Heidegger’s earlier philosophy, the profound and elaborate analysis of the ontological structure of human existence, of Dasein, was undertaken only in order to prepare the way for a more direct approach to the problem of Being. Furthermore, as Heidegger delved into the problem of Being the intensification of the presence of God in his works becomes all the more evident. Questions abound seeking to resolve the issue whether Heidegger is an atheist or not. However, as Heidegger bolsters his reflection, he discovered a very crucial dimension of thinking which is fundamentally originative. This is essential thinking which gives way to the thinking of Being’s dimension within the realm of the “mysterious.”


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