Faculty Professional Development through Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

Faculty Professional Development through Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
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Язык: Русский
More and more employers are seeking for all rounded employees who are flexible, adaptable, understanding, self motivated, empowered critical thinkers willing to contribute positively to their organizations. This book tells you how faculty professional development can accomplish this purpose. It takes you on an exciting six year journey that allows you to sit in on a number of workshops and appreciate what faculty and students experienced. You would interact with workshop participants specializing in different disciplines. Your expectations would be startling and your imagination challenged as you embark on this intriguing journey. This book is suitable for policy makers, educators, students, persons in industry, management personnel and anyone who has an interest in education with specific reference to Problem-Based Learning (PBL). It may be used as a text for training teacher educators in tertiary institutions. With the use of varied shareware graphics the book also has an appeal to a much wider audience other than academics. I am certain you’ll enjoy it.


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