Effects of Khat (Catha Edulis Forsk) on Spatial Learning and Memory

Effects of Khat (Catha Edulis Forsk) on Spatial Learning and Memory
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Khat (Catha edulis forsk) is a flowering plant native totropical East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, which contains the alkaloidcalled cathinone. Cathinone is a psycho-stimulant with an amphetamine-like chemical structure.The earliest known documented description of khat is reportedin the Kitab al-Saidala fi al-Tibb an 11th century work on pharmacy and materia medica written by Abu Rayhan al-Biruni, a Persian scientist and biologist.The first scientific description of khat as Catha edulis wasin the Flora Aegyptiaco – Arabica written by the Swedish botanist Peter Forskal.In 1980, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified khatas a drug of abuse that can produce mild to moderate psychological dependence.The plant has been targeted by anti-drug organizations like the Drug Enforcement Administration in USA but still remains legal in several countries.


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