Critique of Postmodern Alterity Ethics

Critique of Postmodern Alterity Ethics
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Язык: Русский
Critique of Postmodern Alterity Ethics investigates the idealism underpinning postmodern ethics. It rigorously examines the feasibility and translatability of alterity ethics in the case of the Muslim Other. The author debunks the deep-seated Western subsumptive or hierarchical othering mechanisms on metaphysical and political levels. Moreover, Critique focuses on the gaps between theory and practice by placing the “constructivist hypothesis” into perspectives; one of them is the perspective of the Other. Hence, one of the book’s major concerns is the erosion of human agency and the public sphere through acts of diversion and division performed by globalized states and their media. Perhaps the ubiquity of the Other in postmodern discourses signals an ethical political crisis more than it signals a corrective ethical multicultural turn. Indeed, there have been some impressive feats that question western metanarratives and their reductive logocentric nature, but the author thinks that those strides forward come to a halt or falter in front of the face embodied Muslim Others.


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