Последние поступления
Micro-Implants & Orthodontics
Раздел: Стоматология
Язык: Русский
Anchorage control is the cornerstone of the orthodontic force system. The first clinical report in the literature of the use of implants appeared in 1983 when Creekmore and Eklund used a vitallium bon ...
Красный и инфракрасный лазерный свет в стоматологической практике
Раздел: Стоматология
Язык: Русский
Заболевания челюстно-лицевой области до настоящего времени представляют большую медико-социальную проблему. Известные лечебные меры, направленные лишь на устранение соответствующей симптоматики, в каж ...
Non-surgical endodontic management of the combined endo-perio lesions
Раздел: Стоматология
Язык: Русский
The actual relationship between periodontal and pulpal disease was first described by Simring and Goldberg in 1964. Since then, the term “perio-endo” lesion has been used to describe lesions due to i ...
Surface Modifications of Titanium
Раздел: Стоматология
Язык: Русский
Aim of the Study is to evaluate different methods of modification of titanium surface and to compare the surface roughness levels, surface wettability and surface configuration of variously treated su ...
Composite Restorative Materials
Раздел: Стоматология
Язык: Русский
The research in the field of esthetic and restorative dentistry led to the achievement of the long sought dream of virtually bonding any type of material to the tooth surface. The advances in the rest ...