Последние поступления
Моделирование теплообмена в мантии и ядре Земли
Раздел: Географические науки
Язык: Русский
Вопросы о тепловом состоянии Земли, распределении внутренних источников тепла в ее глубинах, геомагнитном поле Земли имеют фундаментальное значение для гипотез о строении и эволюции Земли. Основные пр ...
Science for Shocked Jamak
Раздел: Географические науки
Язык: Русский
Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) approach was conducted in the village “Jamak” (April 2009,) organized by, LBSNAA, Mossouriee which had experienced an earth quake in 1991 and a flood in 2002. I ...
Offtake Morphology and Conveyance Characterisitcs of a River
Раздел: Географические науки
Язык: Русский
The river-bifurcation point namely the ‘Offtake’ is vital for the sustainability of a river. The sustainability also depends on the conveyance characteristics of the river-reach as a whole. This book ...
Biostratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphy; Case Study From Nigeria
Раздел: Географические науки
Язык: Русский
Biostratigraphy,Paleoenviroment and Sequence Stratigraphy ; Case study from Nigeria, is an in-depth research directed towards exploration and environmental degradational and impact of exploitation. Th ...
Plate Tectonics and Ore Formation in Proterozoic of Ukrainian Shield
Раздел: Географические науки
Язык: Русский
Geodynamic settings, petrochemical and geochemical features of Proterozoic magmatites from initial to final stages (anorthosite-rapakivi-granite formation – ARGF), isotopic data-based depth of formati ...