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Assessing 'Ordenamiento Territorial' at Municipal level, Bolivia

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The concept and policy of sustainable development and the decentralization process, that both attracted serious attention for more than fifteen years now, after the UN Conference on Environment and De ...

Моделирование теплообмена в мантии и ядре Земли

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Язык: Русский
Вопросы о тепловом состоянии Земли, распределении внутренних источников тепла в ее глубинах, геомагнитном поле Земли имеют фундаментальное значение для гипотез о строении и эволюции Земли. Основные пр ...

Science for Shocked Jamak

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Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) approach was conducted in the village “Jamak” (April 2009,) organized by, LBSNAA, Mossouriee which had experienced an earth quake in 1991 and a flood in 2002. I ...

Offtake Morphology and Conveyance Characterisitcs of a River

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Язык: Русский
The river-bifurcation point namely the ‘Offtake’ is vital for the sustainability of a river. The sustainability also depends on the conveyance characteristics of the river-reach as a whole. This book ...

Biostratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphy; Case Study From Nigeria

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Biostratigraphy,Paleoenviroment and Sequence Stratigraphy ; Case study from Nigeria, is an in-depth research directed towards exploration and environmental degradational and impact of exploitation. Th ...
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