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The continent of Africa is currently undergoing sociopolitical and economic crisis. Researches have shown that women and children are the most affected whenever problems arise. This book looks at the way proverbs on women, from the biblical book of Proverbs, have been applied to the lives of women. In some cases one approach has been used to interpret these proverbs; therefore the message passed to women is less effective, distorted, and sometimes meaningless to them. Therefore the question raised is “In what ways can women in the book of Proverbs be understood in order to bring an effective and relevant meaning to African women?” It reveals the nature and situation of women in ancient Israel and surrounding nations as it focuses on women in wisdom literature. Literal approach to proverbs about women addresses only a few women. Today, African women require a pragmatic message that is life giving, healing, liberative and reconstructive. The book has discussed the use of different approaches in attempting to unveil the problem, that is: historical critical, canonical and the feminist approach that helps Church and Society to meet the challenges of women and the entire community.


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