Using Aural Authentic Materials to Develop Listening Comprehension

Using Aural Authentic Materials to Develop Listening Comprehension
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Язык: Русский
The fundamental purpose of this book is to examine the influences of aural authentic materials on listening ability of thirty female undergraduate psychology majors studying English as a foreign language. The secondary purposes of the book are to identify the learning strategies used by EFL students experiencing authentic listening texts and to determine the influences of authentic materials on EFL students’ attitudes towards learning English. A quantitative and qualitative analysis is offered in this book. It basically focuses on using authentic materials and real-life situations as part of the communicative approach. Sources for designing and implementing effective listening strategy instruction and the transcript of one-hour videotaped session are recorded and analyzed. The results of the listening comprehension posttest are compared to that of the pretest using a 2-tailed t-test (p < .05). A one-way ANOVA on the mean strategy use is applied (p < .05).The results of the qualitative data analysis are in line with and confirmed that of quantitative.


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