Traffic Congestion & Public Transport in Ghana:A Triangulated Analysis

Traffic Congestion & Public Transport in Ghana:A Triangulated Analysis
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The 21st century has witnessed unparalleled levels of motorization, poor traffic management and inadequate land use and transportation planning. Thus, traffic congestion has become ubiquitous with dire consequences for urban economies all over the world. This book provides students in urban transportation, planners and city authorities with requisite knowledge on the causes and the extent to which traffic congestion in Accra, Ghana's capital, conspired with other factors to thwart efforts at improving public transport through the bus rapid transit system. The book has meticulously triangulated data and theoretical sources, including GIS-based techniques; key informant(in-depth)& semi- structured interviews,in addition to the Time-Geographic, Structuration and General Systems theories. While Accra’s intractable traffic congestion primarily collapsed the time-bound express bus service, other unfavorable factors are identified as well. Thus, efforts by policy makers and planners to curb congestion and improve public transport must entail congestion pricing, proper traffic accidents management and the implementation of a comprehensive land-use-transportation-system master plan.


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