Thermal Behavior of Liposomes Doped Different Types of Antioxidants

Thermal Behavior of Liposomes Doped Different Types of Antioxidants
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Because of the inability of antioxidants to cross cell membrane barriers, only tiny amount, and/or to their rapid clearance from cells and the serious un-modification of the injurious actions of oxidants, liposomes (as phospholipid bilayer vesicles) were put to use as a membrane example. The research gives understanding the molecular basis of the pharmacological behavior of these antioxidants and their effect on membrane dynamics. Liposomes have been made extensively use as biological models of vitro lipid oxidation research works. The resemblance between the liposomal and membrane bilayer core made liposomes a very beneficial tool to investigate significance of antioxidant-membrane interactions for antioxidant activity. The antioxidant activity of a compound was strongly influenced by numerous factors including the nature of the lipid substrate, the hydrophilic– lipophilic balance of the antioxidant, the physical and chemical environments of the lipids, and various other interfacial interactions.


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