The Origin of Life and its purpose

The Origin of Life and its purpose
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Язык: Русский
The book pauses that Life’s crucial probes such as by Who? Why? And how the world especially human being was created if not offered biblical answers affect the totality of our existence as well as divine purpose in life (cultural mandate) either as individuals, church,and even a nation. Perhaps the hap-hazardous answers offered to these essential probes by myths, philosophy and science over the centuries could account for the free, selfish, irresponsible lives and assorted evils being experience in the world, particularly in Nigerian government, churches and society. The Origin of Life and its Purpose, articulated these life's crucial questions and responded in a most surpassing theological manner, as it provides biblical guides to life that surpass answers offered by myths,philosophy and science over the centuries. It explores vividly how some prominent personalities in the 19th-21st centuries affected lives positively as well as those that affected lives negatively and enjoins every one to live for a purpose “I highly recommend this text to theologians, Seminary students and indeed, all who are looking for Purpose and direction in their lives” Professor P. S. Amaza, PhD.


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