The Mediator Role in Conciliation Hearings:

The Mediator Role in Conciliation Hearings:
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Язык: Русский
In studies about the mediator?s role in mediated sessions, attention has been given to the ways of mediating, which characterizes him/her as a professional and neutral agent. However, empirical analysis of the mediating activity which considers the institutional mandate as a strong influence of the mediator’s actions is new and deserves further investigation. We note that different roles such as orchestrator, co-constructor of the conflict story or negotiator can be undertaken by a mediator in the same hearing at different moments. The literature on mediation is strongly normative, concerned with recommendations for the role of mediators, but with limited baseline studies of talk-in-interaction. This book provides an empirical research in talk-in-interaction in institutional context of mediation. The mediation has been used as an alternative way to manage conflicts in several instances of everyday life, such as in schools, in matters of divorce, labor disputes and even disputes between neighbors. It should be useful to professionals interested in Applied Linguistics fields or to anyone interested in communicative strategies of language use at work.


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