The Impact of Sex Education on Adolescents Sexual Behaviour

The Impact of Sex Education on Adolescents Sexual Behaviour
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Язык: Русский
The world in which teenagers are growing up today is very different from that of their parent and grand parents. Things are changing fast compared with even 20 years ago. Young people are entering adolescence earlier and healthier, and they are likely to spend more time in school as well as learning trade to make economic means. As a result, marriage and childbearing now generally occur later than they did in the past, especially for women. And inevitably postponing marriage has meant that sex before marriage has become more common. Sex and sexuality is to large extent learned behaviour from a diverse set of informational sources such as the media, parent, teachers, peers, self exploration etc. The relevant research questions to be asked in this research work are: What knowledge is, if formal or informal about sexuality among adolescents? What is the nature of sexual experience among adolescents? What are the socio-cultural and health effects of adolescents’ sexual behaviour? How has education/information on sex influenced adolescents’ sexual practices? How has religion impacted on adolescence sexual behavior?


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