The Faith of Africans

The Faith of Africans
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African Traditional Religion refers to the beliefs, thoughts, and practice of the African peoples which resulted from their perception, reflection, encounter, and experiences of their environment or the universe in which they live. According to Chidi Denis Isiuzo; Traditional Religions (TR) are both geographically and culturally bound. Although certain common elements can be established between the practices of different T Traditional Religious followers, it is difficult to group them as one. This explains why no specific name is used. The name is determined by the geographical location. The followers are found mainly in Africa, Asia, Australia, and, in an “inculturated form”, in the Americas. It is important to note that while there are similarities between the tribal practices of ATR, there are also differences. There are orthodox, conservative, and Reform in religious belief and practices among African traditional religion adherents. ATR is as old as the first progenitors or ancestors that ever lived in the African continent. It other words, it is a religion which has been in existence from time immemorial; it has no designated date of origin.


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