The Assessment of Employee Attitudes on Management Style in ERCA

The Assessment of Employee Attitudes on Management Style in ERCA
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Nowadays, we are living in a time of great and rapid change driven by globalization and we are working in the information age. Such constant changes can affect employee attitudes in organizations positively or negatively mainly based on the style of management practices. The employees’ attitudes demonstrate how the employees’ behavior is affecting the work in an organization. Almost all employees of ERCA are developing bad/indifferent attitude because of dominating autocratic style of managers of the Authority. If the Authority can not change such management style, it is the belief of most employees that it would not achieve its objectives. Workers are fired without tangible evidence and some of them are even not aware of what, when, and where they committed a mistake if any. The fired workers have no right to accuse the Authority in front of the court. This is because ERCA managers are fully authorized to fire the employee(s) they suspect for unethical act according to ERCA Employees Regulation 2000 E.C Art. 37. “Employee”means permanent worker in the Authority, but excludes the executive director, deputy head directors, and prosecuting attorneys according to the Regulation.


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