The Adaptable Facade

The Adaptable Facade
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Язык: Русский
Sustainability is a considerable theme in building design. A big leap can be made through the design of a facade since it makes up a large area of a building and because it is one of the most significant contributors to the energy budget and the comfort parameters of a building. Instead of shutting the environment out, the facade could make use of the environment. The facade becomes a chameleon, adapting itself to provide the best possible interior conditions for the building’s occupants without a reduction of indoor comfort levels and waste of energy. The Adaptable Facade offers a new approach to the design of an intelligent facade and presents an extensive toolbox with both old and new technologies that can be applied to or used in a facade. It provides strategies and design concepts for an adaptive facade, leading to a flexible yet comfortable building. Are you interested in making a sustainable and flexible building design? Then explore The Adaptable Facade!


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