Technology identification: How to bring technology innovation to life?

Technology identification: How to bring technology innovation to life?
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“Technology is ruled by two types of managers: those who manage what they do not understand, and those who understand what they do not manage.” Mike Trout “80 percent of the Apple?s revenues are from technology innovation that did not exist 60 days ago. Is there any other company that would do the same?” Tim Cook Integrating technology and strategy, technology projects and capacities, or technology and other business processes, this usually requires a three-step mechanism of Technology management, namely the effective integration of technology identification, implementation and potential technology commercialisation phases. This scientific monograph, as one of the few in the Technology management area, aims to bring technology identification to the broader professional community, which should lead to more successful technological innovation. The monograph consists of six chapters in downstream order focusing on: integration of technology management, integration of technology management processes, technology analysis, technology assessment, technology planning and technology innovation.


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