Technological Innovations in Libraries

Technological Innovations in Libraries
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Innovations in information and communication technologies are revolutionizing creation, recording, organization, dissemination, use and archival of knowledge continuously and at an unprecedented pace. The role of information centers and libraries is changing to match the volume, and format of creation of scholarship and its users’ ever rising expectations. Library and information professionals’ vision, skills and attitudes are challenged in this information driven society. There has been dearth of evidences regarding librarians’ attitudes towards adoption of latest technologies to innovate information centers and libraries, especially in developing countries like Pakistan. Based on empirical evidences this books provides insights into the level of availability and use of information technologies in libraries and the role of librarians’ in innovating their operations and services to facilitate the end users. Educators, university planners, administrators, information professionals, librarians, people from software, hardware, communication and publishing industry will find answers to their questions through factual data, tables and a model to enhance the use of IT in libraries.


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