Sustainable Agriculture-A hallucination with fragile Accessibility

Sustainable Agriculture-A hallucination with fragile Accessibility
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Women play a distinctive role in shaping the rural economic activities and most of manual operations are being done by women. Even then they occupy very low positions in the agrarian hierarchy. In terms of gender, rural women bear the burden of poverty and exploitation more heavily than men. Despite economic disparity and woeful neglect, women have been the embodiment of sacrifice, surrendering all their comforts for the welfare of the children and other members of the family and indirectly for the well-being of the community, who without any publicity contributes her best to the progress and welfare of the country. In altering discrimination against women, The 4th World Congress of Rural Women, held in South Africa in 2007, reiterated the need to provide full and equal access for rural women to productive resources, including the right to inheritance and ownership of land and other property, credit/capital, appropriate technologies, markets and information. This book provides an insight into the female farmer’s accessibility to productive resources- a study which was conducted in Sikkim in North-Eastern India.


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