Soil Carbon Sequestration in Tree Plantations and Natural Forest

Soil Carbon Sequestration in Tree Plantations and Natural Forest
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Язык: Русский
Climate change is among the major global issues of the 21st century. Anthropogenic activities have led to notable changes in the earth’s climate including increase in the global temperature over the 20th century. Carbon sequestration is the long-term storage of carbon in oceans, soils, vegetation (especially forests), and geologic formations. Although oceans store most of the Earth’s carbon, soils contain approximately 75% of the carbon pool on land — three times more than the amount stored in living plants and animals. Therefore soil is an important component for carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems. This book is an attempt to know the impacts of anthropogenic disturbances on the vegetation patterns. It assesses different parameters of the soil especially the percent organic carbon. This book can serve as baseline information for the upcoming studies and research work in the coming years.


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