Preliminary Design of Oil Tankers:

Preliminary Design of Oil Tankers:
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Язык: Русский
Ship design is a complex iterative procedure and is comprised of several phases during which the design is developed in increasing degrees of details. Now a day, it seems that with the aid of modern technologies, ship design has become easier and convenient for the Naval Architects (N A) . However, expertise knowledge of various design software can not alone ensure a high degree of proficiency in ship design process. To become an expert designer it is very important for a N A to know the basic logic, theories, hypotheses, thumb rules of ship design based on which the software are developed. A clear understanding of these background knowledge will help the designer to operate and modify the software more effectively. Based on these ideas, the aim of this book is to provide a complete, fundamental understanding of the ship design procedure through the systematic explanation of each major step of an ‘oil tanker design’. This chronological description of the entire preliminary design phase should be especially useful to young naval architects (or any ship designer who comes from a different expertise field) to build up an insight understanding of the entire process of ship design.


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