Post Conflict Elections and Democratisation in Afghanistan

Post Conflict Elections and Democratisation in Afghanistan
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The purpose of this paper is to analyse the post Taliban democratisation efforts undertaken, in order to install democracy in Afghanistan. Although, there are many elements of democratisation, however, the overall focus of this dissertation is on the post-Taliban elections. To know the perception of democracy from the Afghans perspective, how they view it and what are their expectations from democracy. To link the historical and existing structures and how they can complement each other based the recent constitutional reforms and democratic process. To understand and analyse what steps have been taken after the Bonn conference to reinforce democracy and democratic governance in Afghanistan. Similarly, to know what shortcomings in this process were and how it could have been done differently which would have avoided flaws in the current system, introduced based on the Bonn process. This book is a comprehensive examination of the question “Are post-elections a good tool for deepening a peace process and stability


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