Performance Indicators for Gender Responsive Budgeting

Performance Indicators for Gender Responsive Budgeting
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Язык: Русский
Gender responsive budgeting (GRB) is implemented in more than 90 countries in the world as a strategy for gender mainstreaming. GRB entails gender budget analysis which has provided a range of understandings of the different impacts of budgets on women compared to men. The central characteristic of this analysis has been its attempt to systematically recognise the contribution of unpaid care work in socio-economic outcomes. In this context, time use analysis is potentially an important tool for uncovering the gender impacts of budgets. However, there is relatively little research using time use analysis to evaluate the provision of government services. In order to address some of these gaps in our understanding, this book aims to broaden gender budget analysis by developing new indicators of budgetary performance, focusing on the impact of men and women’s unpaid childcare work in Australia using time use analysis. This book will be useful not only for academic researchers but also for professionals working in international development and anyone with an interest in gender issues in public finance.


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