Municipal Solid Waste Disposal And Its Problems And Prospects

Municipal Solid Waste Disposal And Its Problems And Prospects
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No one knows the exact amount of world’s waste but it is certain that the problem of solid waste disposal now has become a threat to our environment, especially the environment of our city, where population is increasing every day. Rapid urbanization with the consequent increase in build up area has resulted in the reduction of land for the wastes to be disposed. Solid waste management is one among the basic essential services provided by municipal authorities in the country to keep urban center clean.There are potential risks to environment and health from improper handling of solid wastes. Direct health risks concern mainly the workers in this field, who need to be protected, as far as possible, from contact with wastes. It is hoped that the findings of this book will help raise awareness on the issues pertaining to garbage management for the communities, policy makers and planners especially at local level. This awareness will help build initiatives to reduce the problem. The book highlights the role of the different stakeholders and the extent to which they have been active in addressing the waste management problem.


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