Manners of Attire in 1 Timothy 2:9-10

Manners of Attire   in 1 Timothy 2:9-10
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In the contemporary church, manners of attire /dressing/ such as trousers, miniskirts and some modern hairstyles worn by Christian women is becoming a serious controversial issue. To our surprise, this new custom of attire is becoming a case for excommunication of Christian ladies from any sort of ministry, and sometimes even from membership. Moreover, this issue is causing church splits and factions. The gap between interpretation and fallacy is one of the challenges facing today’s church. Consequently,Proper interpretation, formulation and application of the text as intended by God concerning the theological and practical issues of attire, will surely be a remedy for the mixed/missed applications of instruction from the epistle. One issue the research will address is whether Paul was, in fact, forbidding women to dress in expensive clothes in 1 Timothy 2: 9-10; and what his teaching really meant in the historical context of the church in Ephesus, and what directives can be proposed to the contemporary church today.


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