Loading Of Dental Implants

Loading Of Dental Implants
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Prosthetic rehabilitation of missing structures in the oral and maxillofacial region in accordance with “DeVan's” principle of preservation has been the ultimate challenge to the prosthodontist. Over the years, traditional methods of tooth replacement are slowly and steadily being replaced by newer modalities like implants. Dental implants are the fastest developing technology in the practice of dentistry today. Implants are the closest thing in appearance and in function to natural teeth and a good alternative to conventional restorations. Based on patient needs, a single tooth, a partial bridge or a full set of replacement teeth are fitted to the implants and locked in place over the protruding posts. Implants eliminate the day-to-day frustrations and pain of ill-fitting dentures. They allow people to enjoy a healthy and varied diet without the restrictions many denture wearers face. With a sense of renewed self-confidence, many people rediscover the excitement of an active lifestyle shared with family and friends and the chance to speak clearly and comfortably with coworkers.


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