Islamic Political Ethics in Advice Literature

Islamic Political Ethics in Advice Literature
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Язык: Русский
Reflecting on political conduct of contemporary world politics in general that is apparently not more concerned with ethical values and of Muslim worlds in particular, the author provides the readers the ethical values for political practices in the light of Islamic tenets. This book studies the classical work of Ibn Qutaybah’s Uyun al-Akhbar (Springs of Narratives), which was written within 9th century, with special focus on its first volume Kitab al-Sultan (Book of Authority). It therefore discusses and expounds systematically the Islamic political ethics presented in it as a response towards contemporary political misconduct that overwhelm Muslim worlds such as corruption, oppression, abuse of authority, etc. Along with Kitab al-Sultan as refinement and remedy for contemporary political paucity, the author’s message is to show that the essential notion of contemporary Islamic polity that has been lost is that the inner heart, which should be put in serious consideration. It is due to the restoration of Islamic values could not be captured unless it must start from each single Muslim to refine his Iman (belief).


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