Intake of Sedative and Hypnotics: Experimental Studies on Respiration

Intake of Sedative and Hypnotics: Experimental Studies on Respiration
Раздел: Зоология
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Язык: Русский
Sedative class of drugs, exemplified by the barbiturates, has been used for the relief of anxiety and the induction of sleep since about 1903. Barbiturates are recognized to be the most important sedative hypnotic drugs. These drugs used mostly to feel relaxation and analgesia. Business men, civil servants, parents and so on; use these drugs to relieve the tension of modern life. Phenoparbital is one from this family of drugs.With large doses, respiration is progressively depressed. In the deeply anesthetized patient, shock may occur as a result of vasomotor depression.Occasionaly, the therapeutic use of some drugs may lead to abused intake. Each society accepts certain drugs as licit and condemns others as illicit. But, which drugs are licit or illicit “used” or “abused” depends on a social judgement. A major social cost of relegating any substance to the illicit category is the criminal activity that often results, since purveyors of the substance are lured into illegal traffic by the opportunity to make enormous profits while dependent users may resort to robbery, and other types of anti-social behavior to support their habits


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