Immunization Status of Children in Pakistan

Immunization Status of Children in Pakistan
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Язык: Русский
It is well said that children are considered the future masons of the country and healthy brain is found in a healthy body. Healthy generations can be produced by providing knowledge of immunization to mothers. Due to the combination of unique factors i.e. low rate of literacy, misperception of vaccination, cultural and belief system have sound impact on adoptability of children’s immunization among minorities. The main objective of the present study was to find out the reasons of non-adoption & incomplete adoption of the immunization practices. A sample of 160 Christian minorities was selected through multistage sampling techniques. The result showed a significant and strong association between the mother socio-economic status and practice of immunization. A huge majority of the respondents 93.1% tried to immunize their children and 39% respondents could not complete the whole immunization. A mainstream of the respondents 41.3% got information about immunization through L.H.V and Vaccinators. Data exhibited that higher income, education, role of advertisement, knowledge about basic health units were the factors that had greatly affected the adoption level of child immunization


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