Human rights – energy security nexus

Human rights – energy security nexus
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The U.S.-led multilateral efforts – in the form of sanctions – to resolve the cycle of human rights violations in Sudan have so far yielded limited success partly due to Chinese support for President Bashir. This diplomatic cover for Khartoum should cause us to ponder the role of China’s energy investments in the context of human rights violations in Sudan and whether Beijing’s support for the dictatorial regime in Khartoum is tacitly ignored by Western powers. These questions merit attention because China’s penetrating influence in global geopolitics is crucial not only to resolving the dilemma in Sudan so also the ailing global economy. In this view, many explanations fail to explicitly tell us the nature of the intricate intimacy between the normative influence of social psychology, human rights violations in Sudan, and energy security policies. I had hope that this book which bridges these shortfalls in the literature should be particularly useful to students and professionals in the fields of international relations and politics, or those who may be interested in the sub-fields of energy security and human rights.


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