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The need to keep certain information secret when transmitted has been appreciated for recently years. Exist persons has job to interception this information to obtain comate and win for themselves. The information disclosure can be prevented by use of encryption or ciphering, where encryption techniques deals with methods and techniques used to protect the information. This information may be text, image, documents or sound. In case we want to keep certain information secret, and this information closure, i. e. no one know by place it, we can’t encryption because it is became know where is stored, it is dangers for information security, this is problem..! The solution for this problem is use steganography technique of information hiding, which could be defined as the art and science of communicating which hides the existence of the communication. Using encryption methods can increase the security level. This research deals with keeping a certain text secret by characters partition method to bits and replace with special bits from special image bytes to use this image us interface front persons.


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