Growth of Agricultural Exports in India

Growth of Agricultural Exports in India
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Язык: Русский
The present work has attempted to examine the relationship between agricultural export and the effective factors influencing the same relationship in India.The study has attempted to analyze the long run and the short run relationship between agricultural exports as dependent variable and exchange rate, export price index, gross domestic product and domestic production of agricultural product as independent variables based on annual data during 1980-2010. Also, World Trade Organization as a dummy variable has been taken as a determinant of India’s agricultural exports. The autoregressive distributed lag model and error correction model are used to determine the long run and short run relationship between the variables. Further, paired t-test is used to investigate the impact of WTO on growth of agricultural export in India. Dynamic econometric model is estimated to test for time series properties, unit root test and co-integration (ARDL procedure).


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