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The difference in human beings are referred to as, individual differences in the languages of Sociology and Psychology. According to “Dictionary of Education” by Carter B. Good (1959), individual difference stands for “the variations or deviations among individual in regard to a single character or a number of characteristics”. In Psychological difference individual differ in mental differences, difference in motor ability in achievement, difference in interests and aptitudes, attitudes, learning difference, and finally in social and moral development. By this we can conclude every student is different.Then how can you use old teaching methods which were never consider the individual differences.For this student centred approach should be implemented. This lies at the core of any effective classroom. In student centered teaching, we center our planning, our teaching, and our assessment on the needs and abilities of our students.This George Plan (2008) is seventh student centred method of teaching in the world, along existing six students cenred methods at present: 1.Garry Plan(1908) 2.Project Method 3. Morrison Plan 4.Winnetka Plan(1919) 5. Dalton Plan, 6. Non Graded School Method.


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