Gas Flaring and Reinjection Policy-Making in Nigeria

Gas Flaring and Reinjection Policy-Making in Nigeria
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Язык: Русский
Associated Gas flare-out policies work in other oil-producing countries like Norway, Britain, Venezuela, Canada, Brazil, etc, with the same oil companies operating in Nigeria's oil-rich Niger Delta and fail in Nigeria since 1969, continually. This book, therefore, analyzes critically, a myriad of representative views of the role of indigenous science and technology expertise in gas reinjection policy-making in particular and technology-intensive policy-making in general. In doing so, it addresses the following fundamental questions: Is the non-implementation of gas reinjection policies in Nigeria a function of lack of consultation of indigenous scientific and technological advice? Whose advice is sought and utilized in the formulation and implementation of associated gas reinjection policies in Nigeria? Did judges consult scientific and technological advice before deciding gas flare-induced cases? What is the anatomy and comparative cost of a gas reinjection technology? And what is the cost of gas flaring to Nigeria’s national economy and the oil-rich Niger Delta biosphere? These are some of the salient issues this book interrogates.


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