GA-40 A New Immunotherapeutic & Anti-Cancer Drug

GA-40 A New Immunotherapeutic  &  Anti-Cancer Drug
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Язык: Русский
The information provided in this book is fully dedicated to new immunotherapeutic and anti-cancer drug GA-40 (plant origin peptide complex). The book is composed of two major parts. The first part of the book (GA-40 in Brief) is targeted for a wide audience. In this part of a book author provide the information about GA-40’s pre-clinical and clinical research results in short and easy to understand conclusions. Author utilized hypothetical schemes to help explain research results and the mechanisms of GA-40 action. This way, the presented material should be easier to understand, interesting, and available to even the readers that have no special scientific background. The second part of the book (Review of GA-40 Scientific Investigation) is strictly scientific. This part of the book describes the results of the GA-40 pre-clinical and clinical trials. It gives information about safety, immunomodulatory, anti-angiogenesis, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, anti-hepapatitis C, anti-nephritis, anti-tuberculosis, anti-prostatitis, anti- diabet melitus actions of GA-40. The author is convinced that plant peptides in the near future may be a new generation of a safe and highly effective medica


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