Forensic Psychology For Dummies

Forensic Psychology For Dummies
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Язык: Русский
Thinking of a career that indulges your CSI fantasies? Want to understand the psychology of crime?   Whether studying it for the first time or an interested spectator, Forensic Psychology For Dummies gives you all the essentials for understanding this exciting field, plus fascinating case examples from around the world. Inside you'll find out why people commit crime, how psychology helps in the investigative process (including "offender profiling" and interviewing suspects), the ways psychologists work with criminals behind bars - and how you too can become a forensic psychologist. Open the book and learn: What a typical day at the office is like for a forensic psychologist. How they work with the police to build offender profiles', interview suspects or witnesses, and detect lies! The important part psychology plays in assessing offenders. How psychology is applied in the courtroom. The cutting edge in offender rehabilitation.


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