Folklore as Mediating Versatile Indigenous Socio-cultural Ideologies

Folklore as Mediating Versatile Indigenous Socio-cultural Ideologies
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Язык: Русский
From time to time, you may hear individuals uttering ‘I am lost in us!’ It sounds puzzling, yet requires exceptional attention. This era of globalization has come with all its packages of the good and the terrible effects. In one sense, it is a time born phenomenon and so a society may have little power to stop its expansion. In the other sense, it would appear that a society has faced the maximum challenges to preserve and circulate its own indigenous socio-cultural values, norms, stories, practices and life philosophies. Of all, the basic questions should be: how to maintain indignity and originality of diverse values and thinking? What is the benefit of listening to peoples’ life stories and philosophies? How do people construct their own realities and identities? How do they communicate them? Are there things that modern society could learn from the past stories and beliefs? These and other questions could get answers if we pay attention to folklore and its channels. You see, that is why you need to give special credit to folklore and its contents! It means,NEVER MISS such materials that enable you to see a society through the insiders eyes.


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