Entrepreneurship Education on Career Intentions and Decisions

Entrepreneurship Education on Career Intentions and Decisions
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Язык: Русский
Interest in entrepreneurship education, which seeks to engender key enterprising competencies and skills development through integrative educational experiences, has grown dramatically worldwide. This monograph investigates the impact of entrepreneurship education on enterprising competencies and skills development as well as the subsequent impact on the career intentions and decisions of tertiary students in Ireland and Ghana. The key evidence is that while both tertiary education as a whole and entrepreneurship education aid in engendering key enterprising competencies and skills development, entrepreneurship education is an influencing factor in motivating and encouraging students and graduates to include self-employment in their career options. Entrepreneurship education positively influences students’ career intentions and the career decisions of graduates; and stimulates both students and graduates’ perceptions of desirability and feasibility of self-employment and part-time business ownership. The monograph is a must read for tertiary students, researchers, entrepreneurship educators, policy makers and administrators.


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