Effect of Biochar on Phosphorus Availability in Soils

Effect of Biochar on Phosphorus Availability in Soils
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Язык: Русский
This book gives an insight on how soils amended with biochars can have impact on phosphorus (P) availability in soils. The research was carried out on two soil types of Flemish region of Belgium. Biochar is a carbon rich solid product obtained after heating biomass in absence of oxygen at temperatures above 350 °C. It is considered as an important soils amendment and is assumed to improve soil productivity, carbon storage, infiltration, water and nutrient holding capacity of soil. This book further explores how biochar application interferes with phosphorus cycle in soils. The main objective of this study is to test whether application of biochar with and without phosphate solubilizing bacteria can increase the availability of P in such soils and also could this method be used in case of very severe P fertilization restriction. This book further analyzes and discusses the different biochar, their quality and composition, and their effect on soils properties and nutrient availability. Due to its multidisciplinary nature, this book is useful for scholars, students, soil scientist, environmentalists as well as policy makers working on soil fertility, fertilizers and crop productivity.


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