Educational Philosophies of Mahatma Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi

Educational Philosophies of Mahatma Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi
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Both Mahatma Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi were practical philosophers. They believed in works not words. Both had firm faith in God. Both were in favour of child–centered education. They stressed on cultivation of values through educative process. In their views,life is search for values. Aim of education according to both of them was all round development of personality. The contents and curricula proposed by both the leaders were quite consistent with modernity of education. Methods of teaching of Mahatma Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi are in accordance with the modern concept of education. They advocated child–centred education, which could create interest within the children towards education. If the Government of India could have implemented Gandhiji’s Basic system of education in practically, it would have strengthened the back bone of our Nation. Rajiv Gandhi’s National Policy on Education, 1986, would equip the country both scientifically and economically to enter the 21st Century.


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