Education in India: A Globian Perspective

Education in India: A Globian Perspective
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Язык: Русский
India is a country of complex contradictions. While on one hand it is world’s third largest economy and growing stronger, its ranking on the human development index still remains extremely poor. This book explores the educational issues of this intricate country in an articulate manner. More specifically, it presents an insider’s take on its education system, the major problems that it faces and plausible mechanisms that may help resolve issues. The book also examines relationship between education and knowledge economy in the Indian setting. In the final section, the author addresses how education can play an effective role in strengthening social cohesion and nurturing values of global citizenship in children. Throughout the book, discussions are mapped out to put things in global context. The ideas presented in the book have important implications beyond borders for educators, researchers, policymakers, politicians, and people interested in educational issues of the developing world.


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