E- Learning as a Socio-cultural System: towards a Balanced Development

E- Learning as a Socio-cultural System: towards a Balanced Development
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Язык: Русский
The book presents theoretical considerations and empiric data on an issue that’s is much discussed and, however, still stirs discussions: e-learning. E-learning is conceptualized as the most general, overarching concept, covering all forms of teaching and learning (together), provided that learning at least to some extent uses provisions of ICT. If the methodological point of departure is constructivism and connectivism, then learning in university studies is of utmost importance and, as learning takes place only in social context and, as learning is based on resources, the importance of teaching is unquestionable. If learning happens, then the teaching is inevitably happening, or has inevitably happened at some point previously in any form (teaching in class, providing with readings or by formulating a task). E-learning is conceptualized in the monograph as a socio-cultural system, which is comprised of a set of elements: Technologies (ICT); Processes, Interactions; Contents (information); Participants (teachers, students, ICT professionals) and their socio-cultural context. Each element and the interaction between those are discussed thoroughly with critique and controversies.


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