Digital Development and Competitiveness of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Digital Development and  Competitiveness of  Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Язык: Русский
The book „Digital Development and Competitiveness of Bosnia and Herzegovina" is the result of research of Information Society Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Global problems of the digital divide are largely reflected in our country. Lag of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the European digital road is a major development problem because timely acceptance of ICT is the main pillar of the overall economy and society. This book is intended for scientific research and the general public that are interested in the problems of the new (information) economy and digital development. The research problem of this book is the slow development of information society in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The global problem of the digital divide in the world is reflected on our country. The speed at which the changes related to the information society occurred was different across the country. The book investigates the problems accompanying Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path towards European integration in the context of e-readiness and competitiveness.


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